Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pets De Soeurs aka "Nun Farts"

Pets De Soeurs recipe

Left over pie crust, or thawed pie pastry

Roll the dough until it is fairly thin, although it should be thicker than a regular
pie crust.
Butter the dough with soft butter, cover with 1/4 inch of brown sugar and
sprinkle with cinnamon.
Roll the dough up like a jelly roll and slice into circles about 1/2 inch thick.
Pour water into a casserole dish.
Put the sliced dough into the casserole and bake at 375F for about 30 minutes
or until the pets de soeur are golden brown.

Friday, August 8, 2008

things to buy while in Montreal...

I am not a crazy American Apparel fan with shiny metallic leotards hanging in my closet..but they do have the occasional cute find. From American Apparel I would like to buy:
this dress. It hugs all the right curves, while smooshing in the "bad" ones. Also this color, is that perfect shade of slate gray; gray mixed with a bit of purple. This picture doesn't show the open back, but the swooping neck line is definitely something to love. Extremely basic, wonderfully shic.

I really like this two toned pencil skirt and the idea of wearing it with the racer back tank top on the other side. But because these are both extremely basic, easy to wear pieces of clothing, they can be paired with most anything. I for one, love the fact that the arm holes of the tank do not come right up to the arm pits. Its a very sexy part of the body, and it often goes unnoticed (until this season).
The skirt is great because its either a high waisted pencil skirt or you can slink it down lower and wear it a bit more conservatively. There is nothing conservative about how it fits. Like the dress from the beginning, this skirt really does not lend anything to hide behind.

I really love the braided belt idea. I would prefer a belt that is a bit lighter in color and about a half an inch thinner. While this belt may not be exactly what I want, it definitely comes close to how I would like it to fit and where I would like to wear it.
I also love the floral pattern of the skirt. Even though florals are usually a spring print, I think if I want to I should be allowed to carry it over into the winter months, perhaps continue wearing them into the next summer. Especially if I love the garment. Shirt or skirt, really I just love the print.

Even though everyone now has a fedora, I still really really love them. What a wonderful way to wear loose natural wavy hair, and natural makeup. The hat definitely brings out the angles of the face, especially the jaw bone and, if you can see them, clavicle..two areas of the female body I am partial to. Pretty.

These $5.80 sunglasses are gorgeous! Black on the outside, red on the inside..they're definitely hiding something. Now if only I could find a matching scarf...(I would also like a pair of all black glasses frames in the same shape as these..fringe bangs and glasses, the perfect student/librarian look).
Look I found a scarf. Ideally I would want it to be yellow or white, not purple..but you get the idea. These scarves (Keffiyeh) are incredibly popular right now. I wonder if people understand the significance of the print..and the Keffiyeh for the matter.

Monday, August 4, 2008


reshma says:
all women are smart...
reshma says:
ok im lying through my teeth, but you understand
jon sent 05/08/2008 1:14 AM:
all? ya right, haha
jon sent 05/08/2008 1:14 AM:
paris hilton?
reshma says:
ok! i can name more women/girls that are stupid rather than smart..but guys should THINK that all women are smart
reshma says:
thats how women get "hand"...
jon says:
jon says:
jon says:
if someone gets HAND, then the relationship is no good
reshma says:
for the guy anyway
reshma says:
women dont really mind either way i think, depends on the guy
jon says:
for the guy?
reshma says:
the relationship would be no good
reshma says:
every guy wants control..unless maybe you're a masochist..
jon sent 05/08/2008 1:23 AM:
jon sent 05/08/2008 1:24 AM:
only unmarried guys waant control, haha
reshma says:
thats true, and im impressed that you can say that with such validity, lol
jon says:
well i know many relationships that fial and many that succeed
jon says:
reshma says:
yeah, so do i..lived em, lol
reshma says:
so the trick is to relinquish control until you're married..then take it away
jon says:
haha theres no trick
jon says:
you've lived them
jon says:
reshma says:
haha, maybe the failed
reshma says:
jon says:
haha well its sad but true
jon says:
what defines a successful one?
jon says:
10 yrs together?
reshma says:
no i dont think thats successful..i think its a conundrum..because, as sad and completely hopeless as it sounds, every relationship is not just "one answer" maybe every relationship isn't fully successful
reshma says:
but thats a very "half empty" answer
reshma says:
id rather think that most relationships are perfect in their own way, but sometimes it becomes hard to see their perfection...then you can't be successful


fellow libras..todays horoscope reads: You'll be put on the spot today, but the perfect words will come to you just in time. Whew, fooled them!

while I don't believe in horoscopes I do believe that if you read something like this, you will be in a frame of mind that makes you think that every bit of confrontation is that "spot".

I hate hate hate confrontation of the negative variety. I either become frazzled and lose my train of thought, and therefore have no quick and witty come back ready. or, I get really angry and put the other person/people down far worse than I had hoped.

also, where do you draw the line with friends?? how do you know when you've offended them, or should they always know that you're not being completely serious? what do you do when you feel a friend has crossed the line with something they've said?

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I think is this the most beautiful and intricate henna artwork I have ever seen. My cousin went to this persons wedding and took these pictures. PHENOMENAL.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I really like this extremely random picture of my knees and "Lush" bag...actually I accidentally took this while trying to figure out exactly where the flash was on my camera phone. Turns out it was on black and white. (Side note, I dont know the lingo for "on black and white..bare with me). That makes me excited.

Monday, July 14, 2008


At a coffee shop on Sunday night. I saw a friend (we'll call him Neil) I hadn't seen for a while, and he had moved to the same city I had been living in for a couple of months. He was there with a group of his friends, mutual friends and acquaintances. He gave me a hug when I saw him, asked me how I was, and then proceeded to introduce me to his friends around the table. Upon being introduced to one of Neil's male friends (lets call him Sam), Sam turned to Neil, looked him square in the eyes and said, "Oh... I've heard about you."

In my head this meant, "Oh... This is that girl you were telling me about...I get what you mean, she seems [insert negative comment here thats not equivalent to whore, slut etc.]"Sam said this all the while clutching my hand in a full handshake. Now, I've known Neil for quite sometime, but I wouldn't by any means say that we're "best buds". We're the type friends that know each other because of mutual friends, but have enough mutual friends that we see each other often enough. Oh, he is also very good friends with my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend...take that as you like. But, why he would have any reason to speak of me, and under what I think is negative light ..literally makes me dumbfounded.

When I sat with my good friend at the other end of the table, and when she asked me if everything was ok...blatant lie, "yeah! Good..I'm good..." It's such a small useless, pidily thing of a lie..but it was there. Was it such a big deal to admit that I was feeling like crap at the idea of being gossiped about? Also, how stupid is it to even care what Neil thinks? Technically I don't even know the guy that well..apart from a few uneventful parties and random sporting events.

I think more than anything is the idea that I was telling myself that I didn't care. I should have confronted him in that situation if it meant that much to me. Man, it does feel better to write it out though...


let this be my stream of thoughts are completely convoluted and abstract, yet I feel they warrant a "post" as I think they eventually will come together and make sense. To me, anyway.

I am finding that I am lying, again. To myself. I started lying to my parents at such a young age, and despite verbally being told it was wrong, I don't really believe my parents really got the idea across that it would eventually hurt someone, or myself. But unlike the lies I told my parents about school work, staying up late, boys etc. these "new" lies are festering and hard to control.

My dad ironically always told me that to be a liar you had to be smart, because you had to constantly keep your story straight. So subconsciously I always believed he was giving me some deep rooted complement. But the lies I told my parents were the "did you do your homework?" "yes" and the "did you get your marks back from school?" "no" lies, where I had not done my homework and had gotten marks back from school. The lies I tell now are much more complex. They are small little white lies I tell myself, that I perpetually start believing. So far it has affected a few money related issues (thinking I have more money in my bank account than I really do), and also, some school/study issues (thinking I have more time to study). My mum always said I would raise the stakes if I continued "down the path" of dishonesty.

My biggest fear is that they will just keep duplicating in size and be thoroughly uncontrollable . I don't want to start lying to the friends, co-workers, professors etc. I believe people can truly pick up on when their being lied to; what with the urge to glance to the left and shake uncontrollably....joking.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Ok, so I am a fan of the arranged marriage. I would never have one, but I am a fan. Done under the right circumstances (sans money, power, and overall petty gain) I think that arranged marriages are actually the most successful because they are not done because you love the person you are going to marry infinitely and evermore, but because you love and trust your parents to do the right thing by you. The only problem is, most arranged marriages (especially in India) are done for the money, power and petty gain.

I just returned from a wedding, an Indian wedding actually. Not arranged marriage, but I will get to that. Beautiful colors and wine were the themes I think. I was officially a make-shift bridesmaid, called out only because I was planning on not attending in the first place. I did my part however..painted palms with black henna paste, hung flowers from the gazebo, etc.

The wedding was under the gazebo (called a mantup in Hindi). The bride dressed in orange, the groom in classic gold. The 45 min ceremony consisted of all the norms of Hindu wedding. Eating sweet yogurt (yogurt and honey) to show how "sweet" you will be to your new wife/husband, stepping on a stone which acts as a metaphor for climbing a mountain for the one you love, and while tied together, throwing herbs and puffed rice into a fire while walking around it.

The ceremony was definitely centered around the fact that love is about giving unconditionally. That when you give with the expectation of something in return, you do not deserve to have your significant other return that love you. Beautiful. The funny thing is, is that the Hindu ceremony is technically designed for arranged marriage. An arranged marriage where you do not know the other person before your parents decide to get you "hitched".

This couple that were getting married had known each other for 1 and a half years so they don't count as arranged, although their parents introduced them. All of their vows were true about their unconditional love and respect for each other because they were given the opportunity to know each other. However, I know Sheila (the bride), because she loves her parents (infact she stated, "I will be happy knowing my parents are happy, thats just the way things work in our family."), she will work hard to make this marriage last, regardless of the amount of time she and Will have spent together.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I own a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, and I think that says a lot about me. One part is I own a pair, and the other, that I own only one pair. Also, I only recently learned how to pronounce "Louboutin", so despite knowing who the man is and what he does, I obviously did not care enough to learn how to pronounce his name. Yet I own a pair of his shoes, and I know what it means to own a pair of HIS shoes.
I used to constantly refer to them as The Shoes with the Red Souls, and everyone (I am prone to exaggeration) would know what I was talking about. But shouldn't I want to explain more? Is it relevant? People would know how expensive and rare it was to have a pair of these shoes without me wanting to explain more about them. But what about the craftsmanship? The fact that the entire shoe is leather, not some cheap leather decoy masquerading as the real thing (I am talking about the "patent" crap). And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Despite the fact that all of this is mulling through my head as I exclaim, "I have a pair of red souled shoes," people still give me cock eyed looks as if to say,"Why would you spend so much?"
Honestly, I could care less about their cost. Its the fact that I bought them because they were the coveted shoes they were, not because they were expensive and marked with large monogrammed "CL"'s. But it does bother me that I do not have the desire to explain anything about them...that owning these shoes is like an inadvertent, meaningless right of passage.

So, which passage did I miss? Does it matter?